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JOIN US NOWA planning appeal has been held to decide whether 150 homes on a major development can be occupied before highway upgrades are completed.
Councillors are considering providing a loan of £240,000 to fund the refurbishment of the gym area and equipment at a leisure centre.
County chiefs are still facing an anxious wait to find out if a £200 million road project can go ahead.
A 4.99% council tax rise looks likely to be added to residents' bills, despite them being the highest in the country.
A multi-million pound cultural and civic centre could be part-funded by a National Lottery grant.
Work is progressing on major changes to a roundabout as part of a wider £20million improvement project for the A16.
Thousands of tonnes of food waste will be used to produce energy at a former factory site.
Pigs’ heads, trotters and other animal parts have been dumped in the bins of a recently widowed woman.
A town centre's streets could receive a £10,000 deep clean.
Young members of a community are involved in the efforts to save their village library.
A campaign group has accused the Government and National Grid of ‘greenwashing’ its data.
A frustrated community leader says his town cannot afford to wait another year for a much-needed £20 million investment to turn around its fortunes.
An MP writes about the importance of churches in the county.
Grant money could be secured to improve the town’s historic appearance if an ‘eye-catching’ proposal was put together.